I'm in my sophomore year
I troll internet everyday
I do my best in classes
I read every book you can get
I learn foreign languages
I become a lacto-ovo vegetarian
I make my own awful meat substitute
I eat randomly
I'm blogging about my uselessness
I don't date anyone
I'm not willing to date anyone
I become a solitary creature
I have friends I can literally count with my fingers
I stay home on holidays
I'm on the first rank
I'm not happy I'm on the first rank
I have an INTJ unpleasant face
I don't show my emotions
I don't know how to speak with my mom
I start swearing
I often wake up late in the morning
I learn how to code
I don't know wheter I'm a nerd, a geek, or a dork
I become a mild-feminist
I aware much more about sexism
I'm planning to be rich
I need more money
I'm a middle child I'm invisible
I'm a middle child I don't get pocket money
I'm the fattest person in the family
I'm the tallest person in the family
I'm the biggest person in the family
I'm too lazy to lose weight
I watch Star Wars and Doctor Who on Saturday night
I become an owl
I sleep way too much
I sleep on living room couch with a window beside me opened
I watch K-Dramas and criticize them both in the same time
I'm counting possibilities
I'm considering my possibility of not getting married and die alone
I'm considering my possibility of getting divorce and die alone
I'm counting possibilites...
to end this list.
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