
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

White-Ass Rat is Dead.

Today was a great day. I killed a rat. I trust this is my greatest achievement since graduating law school last March.

My grandmother house has been struggling with rat infestation. Those rodents have been living off our food scraps, claiming territories in our house with their filthy feet running around, leaving me frightened for so many nights. That is, until one day, I saw 4 juvenile rats climbing the kitchen, ignoring my presence, turning blind eye to my "Get the fuck out!"screams.

To their acknowledgement, I was no master of the house. I was simply... another mammal in the room. 

At that very moment, my fright turned to fury. I bought mouse traps, rat poison, and rat glue, then I placed them everywhere. I turned the house into a vile battleground of man and rodent. 

To my entertainment, the rat glue once trapped Rohina's feet. She cried as her small feet nailed to the sticky smelly cardboard, while I was laughing my ass off like a devilish person that I am. 

I moved her to the bathroom and told her to wash her feet. Of course, the soap didn't work. So I rubbed her feet with cooking oil to get rid of the sticky substance. 

Rohina cried and laughed at the same time. I was trying to save her feet, but I couldn't do it without making her ticklish.  

As if that wasn't bad enough, some of the glue persist, so I had to smear Vaseline jelly and scrap them off. It was 7x worse, more ticklish than simply rubbing oil of course. But eventually the glue came off, at the expense of Rohina's laugh-cry exhaustion.

That was the funny event. But solving rat infestation is much more about frustration. 

I learnt the next night that the cardboard-glue trap only work on the infant-juvenile rats, since they are not strong enough to pull their body off the board, nor they were smart enough to bite the cardboard and flee. The mature rats, on the other hand, sabotaged the traps. They destroyed my glue board and escaped with trails of paper stuck on their body. But those bastards were alive, continued stealing food, claiming territories, and shitting wherever they wish. 

One of those rats, I remember, had a white stuff on its ass, as a result of the glue board escape. Of all the rats, I hated that rat the most. It survived the longest and has 0 respect nor fear towards me. It ran around my work space and shat around my wardrobe. Sometimes when I stared, it stared back at me, and kept staring even when I screamed at it. 

It only make sense if I had visceral hatred towards that white-ass rat.

But this morning when I woke up, my aunt told me 1 rat is trapped inside the cage trap (previously the cage trap hadn't been successful at all). So I checked, and... jackpot. 

White-ass rat was trapped. 

In a glorious triumph I lifted the cage trap, put it inside a bucket, then filled the bucket with water. I carefully watch as it gasped for air, but there was nothing it could do anymore. After less than 3 minutes of struggle, it descended into cage bottom, accepting its doomed fate as an inferior mammal, until death becomes it.

Bitch now you know I'm the superior mammal.


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